DEEP THOUGHTS: Another month is almost behind us and we are certain that the Lord has us here for this time in our lives. A quote that Jim McDonald challenged the groups with in morning devotions was this, "The Christian life is only a struggle when you're in control." When God is in control, the outcome is always for the good. It may not "feel" like it or "look" like it, but we can know that "He works ALL things to the good of those He loves and who has been called for His purpose." Sometimes pruning is necessary. Pruning produces bigger fruit. At times we will experience a dark night of the soul, but we take heart in His promise and provisions. "Absolute surrender is the most significant thing in your life after salvation." How are we doing with that?
NOT SO DEEP THOUGHTS: We have had some great adventures this month. From chasing a rat around our living room at 11:30 pm with baseball bats to going to the most spectacular beach we've ever seen! Elliott turned 6 years old on the 9th and we celebrated in style with surprise visit from 3 clowns! We enjoyed hosting a couple movie nights with our Dominican friends in Spanish with English subtitles. We watched the superbowl with pizza! Had a few eat outs (including McDonalds- they serve beer!) and visited some churches. We have made many friends and have experienced so much love. We have enjoyed meeting many Americans and Dominicans/Haitians.
Our work here is filled with learning experiences. We are finding our way, adjusting to the new culture and expecations placed on our family. It proves to be an adventure almost daily and we are enjoying the ride! We do miss our loved ones from home and the conviences of America but we are grateful for this season of ministry God has brought us to and embrace it.
We are grateful to everyone for your prayers, messages, support and care packages! WOW!! We are glad to be your missionaries and look foward to YOU coming for a visit! Come and see what Meeting God In Missions is all about. We bet you will never be the same.
P.S. For all of you that keep saying you can't make it here because you are afraid of spiders or rats...Jen has seen 3 snakes and still here! So no more excuses!
Loads of Love,
Brian & Jen, Jamie & Elliott