update with Heinrich’s and MGM:
Dear friend,
Heinrich family has some big news. We
are grateful to you for your support while serving Jesus in the Dominican
Republic. We have completed January 2013
teams with MGM. Every year, the group
sizes have grown. This year was the
largest yet. We are thankful for a
wonderful month of service. We, with the
help of over 500 guests, built houses for village 50. We also had several medical teams, optical
teams, dentists, VBS groups, sports, and prayer ministries working in the
villages. God’s work went forth and we
are encouraged by so many people using their gifts to share the love of Jesus
with our friends in the Dominican.
We left
the Dominican Republic on Feb 3rd and have begun the transition back
to the USA. The kids are back at Erie First Christian Academy. Jamie is in ninth grade, Elliott is in 2nd. Brian plans to continue his work with
Cornerstone Construction and Jen will be working at First Alliance Church as the
interim youth director as well as continuing at Erie First as the gym teacher. We are staying with Jen’s parents until the
Lord makes it clear where He wants us to be.
With the
kids’ school schedules, and our financial situation, we see God is redirecting
us home for longer stays. We hope to get
back to the Dominican as often as our schedules and finances allow. However, this will be considerably less due
to our current situation.
We still
have permission by MGM to continue to raise support as MGM missionaries even
with our status change. We want you to
know that the money that is raised only goes towards our mission endeavors. Brian has offered his services as the needs
arise and we are able. We ask you to
prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do.
We want
to be clear that our time with MGM has changed as we cannot afford the time
away from school or work to maintain our original commitment to MGM (which was
to be on location whenever the center was in use)
really appreciate your commitment to us to pray, encourage, and financially support us. God’s work, done God’s way,
never lacks supply. We trust God is
moving us into a new phase of ministry and look forward to what is ahead.
the nets are full,
Brian & Jen, Jamie &Elliott
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